Atorix Design embodies a design philosophy that aligns with the pursuit of Satori.
We see product design as a powerful tool for profound, positive change and increasing societal understanding and awareness.
Our designs focus on simple and thoughtful solutions that address versatile and complex issues.
Our mission goes beyond aesthetics and functionality; we aim purposefully for innovative solutions that enhance the quality of life for people and the planet by:
- Breaking (unnecessary) stigmas in a positive and acceptable manner
- Promoting inclusion through Universal Design solutions
- Strengthening the bond between user and product through custom-made solutions
- Optimizing the utilization of untapped, positive potential
- (Re)integrating unused industrial and/or biological waste streams
Here, the focus is naturally on societal relevance, effectiveness, and sustainability.
Our expertise includes furniture design, research and development, universal design, industrial design, and the integration of ecological principles.
Research, development, and design are not the only weapons in the battle against taboos, stigmas, and unnecessary stereotypes. No, it is our society itself!
It's our friends, loved ones, acquaintances, volunteers, knowledge centers, businesses,...
Together, we overcome the battle against unnecessary prejudices and can optimally utilize untapped, positive potential. The power of progress and social innovation lies within the members of our society itself!
Thanks to all who have made incredibly valuable contributions to the research journeys and the dissemination of the message!
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